
NanoLaser / MicroLaser Peel

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About NanoLaser and MicroLaser Peel

NanoLaserPeel is a short-downtime, light treatment that removes the top most layer of the stratum corneum returning the natural smoothness and lustrous glow of the skin. A NanoLaserPeel has very short down time with most patients returning to work on Monday with refreshed, luminous skin… hence it is sometimes called a ‘weekend peel’. NanoLaserPeel is also a perfect introduction to laser treatments for any patient interested in the newest and easy, precise way to get smoother, brighter skin.

MicroLaserPeel is the perfect tool for removing mild to deep wrinkles that are the result of photoaging. The treatment strips away light and mild wrinkles easily, quickly with automated scanning and large coverage area. The depth of the treatment is customizable depending on the severity of the wrinkle. Depending on the depth of the treatment, patients can typically wear makeup within 2–7 days of the treatment.

Concerns Treated with MicroLaser Peel

Resurfacing treatments do come with some downtime but because of how aggressive they are, Nano & Micro Laser Peels can yield dramatic results. Our Laser Technicians are skilled on all areas of the body and experienced with concerns such as;

  • Skin Texture
  • Pigmentation
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Lax Skin
  • Pore size
  • Scarring

The Treatment

Nano & Micro Laser Peel Resurfacing appointments are usually about 1 hour, depending on the area being treated. Topical numbing cream is applied to help with any discomfort. You can expect your skin to be red, textured, a little swollen directly after the treatment. Expect to feel something similar to a sunburn feeling with a red/brownish tint to the skin. These symptoms are a normal part of the healing process and should improve within a few days.

Downtime is when your skin is still compromised and red/pink. During this time we recommend avoiding makeup, sun exposure, exercise and any excessive heat. Redness can last up to 2-7 days followed by some sloughing and peeling. Total healing time is usually 5-7 days, but you should be prepared for the full 7 days. We will send you home with a gentle cleanser and post procedure balm to protect your skin through its healing process.

treatment Instructions:

Before Your Appointment:

·        It is imperative that you avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment. You will be rescheduled if you come to your appointment with an active sunburn or tan.

·        Avoid any irritants to your skin, such as any products containing Tretinion, Retin-A, Benzoyl Peroxide, Gycolic/SalicylicAcids, or Astringents for one week before your treatment.

·        Avoid use of Antibiotics such as Tetracycline or Minocycline for 2 weeks prior to your treatment.

·        Patients must be off Accutane for at least 6 months prior to the treatment.

·        Do not wax or use depilatory creams on treatment area for one week prior to your treatment to avoid irritation.

·        Wear SPF of 30 or higher every day

·        If you have a history of cold sores, notify your technician as soon as possible. We will write you a prescription for an antiviral to start on the day of your treatment to prevent a flare up.

·        It is recommended to pretreat your skin with the Alastin Nectar for two weeks prior to your treatment.

The Day of Your Appointment:

·        If possible, please arrive with a clean face free of makeup and/or lotions.

·        Please complete all paperwork prior to your appointment so that you may enjoy the entire allotted appointment time.

·        Allow for a minimum of 90 minutes for your appointment depending on the areas being treated.

·        Pre treatment photos will be taken.

·        You will be given protective eye shields to wear during your treatment and topical numbing cream will be applied to help alleviate discomfort.

After Care Instructions:

·        You can expect tightness, itching, or flaking after the treatment. The post care kit will help with this.

·       We will send you home with the appropriate skincare products for your healing time. This includes a cleanser, post treatment balms, and SPF. Use these products as directed by your technician.

o   Cleanse treated areas with the gentle cleanser morning and evening.

o   Apply and reapply post treatment balm as needed.

o   When you are no longer red, apply the SPF.

·        Avoid cleansing the skin for 24 hours post treatment. If you need to cleanse, use only water.

·        Vinegar soaks are recommended to help alleviate the discomfort and cool down the tissue. Mix 1 teaspoon of distilled white vinegar in 1 cup of tepid water. Soak the gauze in the solution and apply over treated areas. Vinegar soaks are recommended 4 times per day for 15 minutes.

·        Benadryl may be taken for swelling and itching. Use as instructed on manufacturer packaging.

·        Redness, swelling, and “oozing” are normal responses to the treatment and should be expected. These side effects can last up to two weeks post treatment depending on the depth of the laser.

·        Avoid direct sun exposure and excessive heat,including hot showers or saunas, for 2 weeks post treatment.

·        Avoid any activities that could raise your internal temperature for two weeks post treatment. This includes exercise.

·        Do NOT scrub or pick at dead skin. The grid like pattern will slough off gradually.

·        You may resume your regular skincare routine and apply makeup after two weeks.

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Quick Facts
Quick Facts
Results Last:
Skin Types:
6-12 months*
75 min
2-7 days
3-6 for optimal results
Via Sciton Joule laser device
*Patients results may vary

NanoPeel - 1 treatment (face) $499
MicroLaser Peel - 1 treatment (face) $599