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What is a photofacial? what does it treat?

A Photofacial (or BBL - Broad Band Light) is a laser light treatment that targets pigment issues, such as brown spots, sun damage, redness and rosacea. The IPL/BBL passes through the epidermis, drawing out the pigment-producing cells and dispersing the uneven pigment. IPL and BBL can be used on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, arms, legs, just about anywhere! It’s quick, virtually painless, and requires little downtime.

  • Brown and Red Spots
  • Freckles
  • Sun Damage
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Redness
  • Rosacea
  • Hyperpigmentation

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Those with a higher Fitzpatrick score, those with a tan or active sunburn and those with melasma are not good candidates. Because the light of the laser is targeting pigment, darker skin tones can actually become discolored and melasma patches can become darker. Those who are pregnant, on antibiotics or accutane, have epilepsy/light sensitivity or seziures are not a candidate for this treatment.

What to Expect From a Photofacial

After a Photofacial treatment, you can expect some redness and a slight sunburn feeling, both of which only last for a few hours post-treatment.  The treated pigmented spots will appear darker while healing and may resemble coffee grounds on the skin. It is imperative that you do not pick at these spots; they will slough off on their own. The ‘coffee ground’ spots can take up to 2 weeks to slough off naturally.  It is safe to wear makeup and continue with most normal skin care regimens following a treatment. It will take 4 to 6 weeks to see the full result from your treatment, however it may be recommended to do mulitple treatments to achieve an optimal result.

Does it hurt?

While pain tolerance is different for everyone, most people tolerate Photofacials well and describe the sensation as a rubber band snap to the skin. The device’s ComfortCool technology keeps skin cool and comfortable so numbing cream isn’t needed.

treatment instructions:

Before Your Appointment:

·        It is imperative that you avoid sun exposure andtanning beds for at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment. You will berescheduled if you come to your appointment with an active sunburn or tan.

·        Avoid any irritants to your skin, such as anyproducts containing Tretinion, Retin-A, Benzoyl Peroxide, Gycolic/SalicylicAcids, or Astringents for one week before your treatment.

·        Avoid use of Antibiotics such as Tetracycline orMinocycline for 2 weeks prior to your treatment.

·        Patients must be off Accutane for at least 6months prior to the treatment.

·        Do not wax or use depilatory creams on treatmentarea for one week prior to your treatment to avoid irritation.

·        Wear SPF of 35 or higher every day

·        If you have a history of cold sores, notify yourtechnician as soon as possible. We will write you a prescription for anantiviral to start on the day of your treatment to prevent a flare up.

The Day of Your Appointment:

·        If possible, please arrive with a clean facefree of makeup and/or lotions.

·        Please complete all paperwork prior to yourappointment so that you may enjoy the entire allotted appointment time.

·        Allow for 45-90 minutes for your appointmentdepending on the areas being treated.

·        Pre treatment photos will be taken.

·        You will be given protective eye shields to wearduring your treatment.

After Care Instructions:

·        Makeup may be worn immediately after thetreatment if desired.

·        Avoid direct sun exposure and excessive heat for2 weeks post treatment.

·        Avoid hot showers, saunas, exercise, and anyother activities that could raise your internal temperature for 24 hours posttreatment.

·        Do not use harsh scrubs or acids for 72 hourspost treatment. These include exfoliating scrubs, Tretinion, Retin-A, BenzoylPeroxide, Glycolic/Salicylic acid, or Astringents.

·        Wear SPF 30 or greater, even on cloudy days!

·        The pigmentation and/or redness may become morenoticeable and will slough off over the course of 2 weeks. DO NOT pick or scrubthese spots.

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Quick Facts
Quick Facts
Results Last:
Skin Types:
6-12 months*
45 min
Little to none
2-4 for optimal results
Via Sciton Joule
*Patients results may vary

Full face or chest - $350

Packages of 3 starting at $999