Sunscreen: The Most Important Step in your Skin Care Routine
Okay guys, it’s that time of the year again. Summer is almost here and we need to preach the importance of sunscreen. Everyone knows that sunscreen prevents sun damage, and while we might sound like a broken record, you’d be surprised how many people still are not protecting their skin daily. So here we are again. We’re going to give you a quick rundown of why sunscreen needs to be a part of your everyday skin care routine and what product we suggest.
Why use SPF every day?
Living in Arizona, we see the sun often. Even if you’re not planning on layout or being outside for too long, wearing sunscreen is still important. Sun damage starts the minute you step outside. The accumulation of sun exposure through car windows and running errands all add up. The scary fact is that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Not only does sun exposure put you at risk for cancer, it also speeds up the aging process causing premature fine lines and wrinkles, loss of elasticity and brown/red spots. Using a daily sunscreen (30-50 SPF) is the best tool you can use in the combat against sun damage and aging.
What we recommend to use:
As of 2012 the FDA regulated sunscreen to be properly labeled “broad-spectrum”. This means that it protects against both UVA and UVB. Using a sunscreen for both the face and body that is broad-spectrum protection is very important, as UVA and UVB both affect the skin differently. A product that we highly recommend, and use ourselves, is Revision Skincare’s Intellishade. This holy grail product is a tinted moisturizer, sunscreen, and antiaging all in one. Best of all it is broad-spectrum and SPF 45. This product takes the extra step of having to apply a sun screen and eliminates it because it’s the only moisturizer you need in the morning.Just because can’t see sun damage right away doesn’t mean it’s not happening! The photo attached to this article is our skin under a skin analysis machine. This light reveals what unprotected sun exposure can do to your skin. All the darker spots are sun damage. So, please, do your skin a favor from now on and don’t skip the most important step in your skin care routine; sunscreen!