Skin Care

10 Products Our Skin is Thankful For

10 Products Our Skin is Thankful For

Tis the season to be thankful. As Thanksgiving approaches we can’t help but reflect on the wonderful things and people we are blessed with. Personally I am thankful for many things, one of which is being able to work in an industry that I love! Battling years of acne and of course by working in this industry, my skin has been exposed to a plethora of products. Here are ten products our skin thanks us for using.

Face Wash:

This may seem like a no brainer but let’s be real, our face isn’t going to wash itself! After a long day of being exposed to pollution and free radicals, not to mention being suffocated by foundation, our skin is thankful that we cleanse away those impurities and allow it to breathe again.


Not astringent! A proper toner is water based, containing no alcohol. Unlike astringents which are alcohol based and strip our skin of our natural oils leaving the face more dry than before. A toner is like a sip of water to the skin, adding some moisture back while calming and soothing it. Thus leaving our skin thankful for the sweet ‘ahhh’ of soothing comfort.


Regardless if it is a scrub, clarisonic or professional treatment, exfoliation allows us to slough off those dry dead skin cells to allow our products to penetrate deeper. As we age our skin cells don’t turn over and shed fast enough like they used to. Thankfully, we are here to help! Without being too aggressive, we are able to maintain healthy skin that is fresh and smooth.

Eye Cream:

The delicate skin around the eyes requires its own cream to treat and prevent dark circles and aging. A great eye cream can improve the appearance of the area, including the upper eyelid. Thus being able to reduce and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and provide intense moisturization for smoother skin texture.  Your skin around the eyes thanks you for not forgetting about them!


Now there are many forms of Retinol as well as different strengths. In some cases like Retinoic Acid, your skin may want to scream instead of thank you as it can be very drying and irritating to the skin. Retinol on the other hand is the most accepted form of Vitamin A that can be absorbed by the skin. It can help brighten, plump and give a smooth texture. Your skin will be thanking you for keeping it youthful!


Taking great care of our face is one thing, but we can’t forget about our neck! When your neck looks younger, so do you. This specially formulated neck cream contains five peptides, plant extracts and unique biotechnological blends that work cohesively to create a smoother, firmer, younger-looking neck. Not having a turkey neck will make your skin very thankful this Thanksgiving.

Hyaluronic Acid:

Found naturally beneath the surface, Hyaluronic Acid binds water to the skin and provides short-and long-term moisturization. With the drying effects of winter and living in the desert, Hyaluronic keeps your skin from getting thirsty.

Night Cream:

At night our skin restores and repairs itself. Night creams are typically more emollient and packed with nutrients and peptides to aid in restoring the skin to its best! Your epidermis thanks you for using a hydrating cream to condition it while you sleep after a long day of makeup and pollutants.

Vitamin C:

THD Ascorbate is a stabilized form of Vitamin C. This glorious Vitamin brightens the skin and provides antioxidant benefits. By using the THD Ascorbate form it contains a mixture of oil and water which the skin recognizes and absorbs.


Another product that may feel like a no brainer, but some people have yet to jump on the SPF train! Everyday sunscreen protects the skin from accumulation of sun damage. It defends the skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays. Although you may not get a sunburn from the 20 minutes it takes to get to and from work, the sun is aging your skin and creating possible brown spots. The obvious reason to use this product is to help fight against skin cancer and for that, your skin thanks you! (So does your loved ones, no one likes the c word)How many of those ten products does your skin thank you for? Not very many? Maybe it is time to switch up the regime and give your skin something to be thankful for. Tomorrow when we stretch our stomachs to fit in massive amounts of glorious foods, take a minute to reflect and be thankful. Thanksgiving is a Holiday that is often brushed over these past few years as the Christmas Holiday just can’t wait its turn. So enjoy your food, friends, and family and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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